Winter Cliches
Two days ago it started snowing in İstanbul. Ahhh what a miracle.
I mean really, have you seen anything beautiful than a city covered in WHITE,SHINING AMAZING SNOW. So as soon as it started snowing people obviously started snapping like crazeeey. They would be in the 30 cm snow dying but still snaping. Some serious dedication there.
There are some must do's when it's winter, right. First of them is to drink coffee beside the window with a fancy book and taking photos of the view. Check. Jezz are there anyone who hasn't done that even if they aren't sharing.

One of my top things to do as a child was building a house with pillows. I tried to do that again last year but unfortunately I DIDN'T FIT IN. So next to the other step.
Foodmania.So in here, there are some food traditions. In other countries people would drink a hot chocalate with a mashmallow but in here people eat snow with a cyrup on it. The cyrup called pekmez and it actually tastes really good with snow. But here's the thing when it snows little children immediatly starts playing snowball everywhere on the street so there's any clean snow left when i want to try this thing. Damn you little kids. The top thing to eat in Istanbul is sausage in a bread. It's not a hot dog it's sliced sausages in a bread with pepper and tomato etc.
And i also like drinking tea with my cat while reading some shitty political news when it snows.
But today i decided to make a change and WATCH A MOVIE UNDER MY BLANKET. What a suprising thing to do. The movie i've watched was Miss Peregrine home for peculiar children(. I hate writing the movie names with capital letter) The movie was suprisingly really good. Well actually not that suprisingly because i know the director was Tim Burton and he's one of my all time favorite directors. But i wasn't sure about the scenerio. Because i've seen the book in the bookstores so many times written in very big letters and so many creepy children pictures inside. But since the movie turned out pretty i'm thinking about reading the book too. Well i'm not going to tell you the story because i'm afraid i am not sure i'm fully aware of the difference between giving spoilers and telling the stories .
After the movie me and my mom decided to take a little walk. It was very scary for me because yesterday i was freezing while trying to go back home from other side of the city. I have a right to stay home in peace.
Anyway,we walked in to Starbucks. I've never seen any other coffee shop crowded than there. For a very nice picture with a coffee the barista was working his ass off. I was feeling sorry for him but staring deadly to rush at the same time. I know i'm not nice.
BUT, Here's a reminder for everyone. Don't forget to put a bowl of food for the animals in front of your house!

1 yorum
YES. I've been waiting for you to write in Eng so long. Welcome back!