Marc Quinn
About 2 months ago there was an exhibition of Marc Quinn in here İstanbul. Ok... i might be a litttle bit late for posting but i HAVE TO. Because there are somethings that i want to show you about Mr. Marc.
This one is very familiar. It's the exact same shape as a photo from Abu Ghraib. The world's biggest sensetional torture place. When i saw this sculptre it made me really uncomfortable. Because it was real. And there was a guy in these clothes a few years ago. These heroes, American soldiers tortured him. Gave him electric so he can pay his punishment being a person who lives in Iraq. And when a photo of this man released no one knew about Abu Ghraib. And those tortures rapes and murders. But the shocking thing about Abu Ghraib was some of the American people accepted and supported these tortures. I was a little kid back then. And i even remember the sensation in our country Turkey was huge. And my mother kept saying that he doesn't understand these sick people. I don't too. 
Marc Quinn’s wide-ranging oeuvre grapples with limits. Be it the limits of the human body or the cosmos, Quinn’s work explores the materiality of the human condition, our agency in shaping ourselves despite physical constraints and the strange intelligence that seems to govern our world. Both deeply spiritual and provocative, Quinn uses an uncompromising array of materials, from ice and blood to glass, marble and lead.The most interesting thing about this sculptre of his own was, it was made of his own blood. Quinn has used freezing as a medium since the early nineties, a frozen portrait of the artist’s head, cast in his own blood. When i saw this piece my mind went to those people who want to stay young and wild forever. They use liposuction or botox for infity. They try to freeze themselves. Their blood and youth. .They want endless beauty. But that's impossible and sad.
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