What You Call "Woman"


I was looking around internet for just fun actually, then i came by the some comments on a youtube video. A hideous man ( as personality) was saying some mean words to woman because she was a WOMAN 
Anyway what is WOMAN?
Woman is a name, chosen by the society,appears to made up from "man" (ironicly) given to the people with vagina (and long hair and boobs) It's basically a stereotype what we call "woman" but in fact, it's not. Back in primary school we heard a lot of  "like a girl" now if i hear those kind of words, blood pumps into my brain immediatly. I wasn't aware of how bad this word was until i was 13 maybe. As i was growing up it didn't bother me when little boys use this kind of words in the class but around my teenage years i get really sick of it. And you know what, sometimes people say "you throw a ball like a girl" BECAUSE I AM A GIRL maybe that's why ,you dumbass.
But why do people say that and why it suppouse to be an insult. Because as society says, women are vulnerable, naive, fragile or suppouse to be nice.
Actually let me tell you what is "like a girl" in this world. 
First of all you will never be able to live like a girl and be able to give life to another living being. And that's not my biggest concern as a girl (being a mom) but it is one of the greatest natural reality. And i think it is amazing being able to give someone their life. 
Second of all , what's the good in not being like a girl. What is the diffrence? The physical abilities? So what if you have mucles or longer height? Does it makes you a powerful person. Donald Trump doesn't have a single living cell in his brain but he is going to rule the world basically. Does it makes any difference if you have a good body strenght if we talk about power. 
Actually being like a girl, is trying to be not get all the negative man power in this world get into you, work hard for what you want, stand up for yourself and trying not to be silenced. 
Here's the another think what makes me angry. Looks.
We live in a world (a very mad one) where most of the people think everything is allll about their looks. I mean staaap just stop please. I'm sick of all the girls out there, feeling bad looking at vs models, instagram celebrities, kardashians and all that stuff. What matters is actually how you treat yourself and people will see you how you want them to. I know it's the most cliche word i can say but it actually is true. Confidence is way more important than you think. The looks? It doesn't do anything. If you want to be considered with what you're doing. Once a man (a family friend) told when i want to apply a job in the future i would be more lucky than other girls because i was beautiful and smart at the same time. I was very disguseed because what's the good of it. Being BEAUTIFUL AND SMART. Then i got in a argument with him, he was a psychiatrist by the way, and he was saying the same thing after 1 hour. We live in a world like that, get used to that. I don't want to get used to that. What happens if my face burns down the next week, should the company i work for will fire me? That doesn't make any sense.
I mean no. Just NO NO NO. I'm not going to accept and get used  to live inside these people and these thoughts. 

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1 yorum

  1. That's great someone writing about these stuff. Thumbs up.
